[Sderby] Grauniad IT

Ashley Heath ashley.heath at bigfoot.com
Thu Jan 22 18:03:45 GMT 2004

On Thu, 22 Jan 2004 12:42:33 +0000
Dominic Knight <dom at overseal.uklinux.net> wrote:

> Jack Schofield of the Guardian newspaper certainly makes it clear 
> which side of the fence he sits on with his article on page 22 of 
> the Inside IT section today. His misguided article misses the point 
> entirely on the subject of opensource, his suggestion that that bug 
> fixes can introduce as many problems as they solve, I considered 
> particularly poor quality reporting as this is just (if not more) 
> applicable from a closed source perspective. While agreeing that 
> changes can be made by companies using open source software he 
> implies that they are not often accepted by the group organising the 
> project, missing the point that it is rarely even possible to 
> suggest changes to a closed source project.
> Well, read it yourself if you get a chance.
> Still annoyed,
> Dominic.

Link to article Dom was referring to

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