[Sderby] Fwd: Linux User Needed

Dominic Knight dom at overseal.uklinux.net
Tue Mar 30 18:26:11 BST 2004

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Subject: Linux User Needed
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 18:44:27 +0100
From: Stormbringer <stormbringer at belariath.com>
To: <lugmaster at sderby.lug.org.uk>


I'm looking for someone familiar with Debian 3 to walk through the
 installation and get in running. I'm not a complete moron and
 Mandrake is a no-brainer but I end up feeling that I have little
 control over the resulting installation. On the other hand, I have
 only so much time to RTFM and having spent several days trying to
 get Debian onto two different machines I feel it's time to cut my

This is a commercial proposition, not a request for hand-holding. I
 run websites and want the Debian install because it matches the
 operating system used on my server. And I'm prepared to learn, but
 I feel I need the starting point of having a working system so I
 can use my time productively. While I enjoy playing with computers,
 my short term goal is to understand how the server works, be able
 to carry out some maintenance, use and construct databases and php,
 and be able to ask the host's tech at least semi-intelligent
 questions when I need to.

So I'm happy to pay a reasonable amount to have someone come here
 and sort out the initial conflicts, explain what they are doing as
 they do it, and leave a working system that carries the basic
 software I need to get started. Following that, I can learn as I go
 along. The only stipulation I make is that the person is
 experienced and reasonably articulate, though patience helps too

All the best



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