[Sderby] RE: [SPAM] - Sderby Digest, Vol 85, Issue 1 - Email found in subject

simon lewsley simonlewsley at lewsley.com
Tue Aug 2 01:26:00 BST 2005


I know when I was doing my Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop for the first time
I picked a distro I liked then googled for someone who had done the same
then it gives u a change to find any issues u may come across + if u
really run into issues you can steal the config files ;) suggest you go
for gentoo cos the install manual is VERY good and the install teaches
you a hell of a lot unlike lame distros like Suse where it's a case of
Wham, Bam, Thank you Novell....    less hassled the suse way but hell if
you wanted it easy u would stick to windows.


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