[Sderby] postgresql update

Dave Voorhis dave at armchair.mb.ca
Sun Jan 9 11:10:17 GMT 2005

On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 19:45 +0000, Tony Shaw wrote:

> Just to let you all know I have decided to leave PostgreSQL well alone, 
> as it was doing my head in.  :-)   As I could not get my head around how 
> to set it up. Thanks for all the help through.

How far did you get?  What still wasn't working?  What do you want to

PostgreSQL is probably the easiest of the free and open source database
servers to install, configure and use, but I'm sure it's no picnic if
you don't have prior experience with database servers.  You might well
be stumped by something that can easily be fixed.


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