Sad MCPs in Free Software circles [was Re: [Sderby] Helen, please come]

Hans Kreuger CptHansKreuger at
Sat Dec 9 00:00:54 GMT 2006

> I have no idea how well you know the two women to whom you
> are referring, nor whether they'd find your comments funny -
> I will assume that that is how you meant them to be - but I will
> say that if my daughters, or any of their friends, had read them while
> considering coming to a LUG meeting they would most certainly
> have been put off wasting their time with it. As would most of the
> female hackers with whom I have worked in the past decade.
> I suggest that you take a look at:
> In particular:
> > <dives for cover>
> When you feel like putting your head above the parapet again, take
> a look, too, at:
> and other pages on that site.
> And consider too why there are so few women in this LUG - even
> in comparison to the low percentages in other groups.
>  - Richard
> [/Fed up with the incessant low-level put downs he sees people
> giving every girl or woman interested in anything scientific]
> --
> Richard Smedley,                                    richard at
> Sustainable IT Consultant
>           ``Software Freedom for the Voluntary Sector''


I consider it a little unfair to condemn the entire lug as
inhospitable to women based on  comments from a single member. I don't
think theres any basis to classify this lug in such a way.
If you wish to respond to an individuals comment, fine - just don't
envisage a vocal minority as representative of the whole.

- Hans

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