Sad MCPs in Free Software circles [was Re: [Sderby] Helen, please come]

Steve Tickle steve.tickle at
Sat Dec 9 00:33:06 GMT 2006

On Saturday, December 09, 2006 00:21:58, Helen Watters 
<fluffyhelen at> wrote:

> Wow, I totally missed an entire discussion.
> S'ok.  I was women's officer for my university for a year, NOTHING 
> can beat the comments I had throughout the time there.  =)
> I look forward to turning up next week.  It's a coincidence that I'm 
> also an avid knitter and a regular attendee of the Derby Knitclub ~

Glad to hear it and I can assure you there isn't a sexist bone in my 
body and no offence was intended whatsoever.

I've been the subject of light hearted ribbing on more than one occasion 
in the past and no doubt will be again (with a surname like Tickle you 
get used to it) and have no problem with it.

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