[Sderby] Re: Sderby Digest, Vol 117, Issue 10

mike at csits.net mike at csits.net
Sat Dec 9 00:49:24 GMT 2006

> I could do with learning to knit.  Is it easy to learn?  Whast stuff do
> you
> have to have to start learning?  I don't have much money, in fact I have
> no
> money, so I may have to wait before I can buy thread and stuff.
> If it's not too difficult or expensive, then I see no excuse for not
> learning to knit.

To start it takes two needles and a ball of wool, which will set you back
three bottle tops and two buttons.  It's fairly easy to start, though I
appear over the years to have forgotten how to do it.  Might be interested
in having another go though.

Anyone interested in setting up the sderby-kniting mailing list?!


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