[Sderby] My website is here!

Andy Blower ayteebee at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 02:12:40 GMT 2006

Oooookay den...  I've cobbled together a [barely] working website which has
a few of my ideas on it.  It's pretty rough, but it should work.  There is
no stylesheet and the comments system is a bit weird at the moment (I
haven't got around to stopping it trying to comment things like backslashes
and apostrophes), but it limps along alright at the moment.  Be warned that
it is likely to change daily, so don't get too attached to it!  :P

I haven't put details of the website I want to make on it yet (sorry Sam!)
because I need to go to bed.

OH!  That's what I meant to say!  The address is www.ayteebee.co.uk .  Duh.

Yeah, bedtime.

- Andy.
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