[Sderby] Introduction

Steve Tickle steve.tickle at clara.co.uk
Sun Oct 8 13:21:11 BST 2006

Hi, I've just joined the list so I thought a little introduction might 
be appropriate.

I live in Woodville, S Derbyshire and have been a Linux user for a 
number of years although I still class myself very much as a beginner. 
Well, let's say I know enough to get myself into trouble but not always 
enough to get out of it again (story of my life really ;-) )

As there didn't seem to be any LUGs local to me when I was first dipping 
my toe in the water with Linux I subscribed to the Sheflug mailing list 
and got a lot of help from them. However, that list seems to have 
disappeared lately so you can imagine I was pleased to see there's now a 
LUG so local to me.

A good friend of mine is crazy enough to give me root access to a 
web/mail server of his and between us we manage to keep it running ok. 
My first experience of Linux was SuSE 8 but now I'm more familiar (if 
that's the right word) with Debian.

I'll try not to bombard you with too many dumbass questions but let's 
face it, the stupidest question is the one that doesn't get asked.

Finally, thanks for allowing me on to your list and I hope to be able to 
meet some of you face to face one day.

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