[Sderby] Linux testing day

Jellybeanz clare.lou1985 at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 21 08:02:45 BST 2008

Hello folks,
Its good to see some movement on here, I have just come back from LUG radio
live 2008... with plans, to be executed with a cunning array of leavers and
What I think would be a fantastic idea is to have a "linux testing day" in
the centre of Derby, this would be a day where we set up a few boxes with
different flavours of Linux on them (I have 2 boxes but more would be good)
I have been intouch with the Debian guys, The Redhat and Fedora guys...
Ubuntu... Suse.. blah blah, to get some stuff to give away, so far I have
got a load of free T-shirts, stickers, pens, teddys.. the list goes on. oh
and not forgetting free CD's and DVD distros to give away.
All I need to pull this off is a little help, a venue and some boxes to have
a fresh install on so people can come and take a look. Its aimed at people
who currently use windows but want to know more about Linux, alot of people
are afraid of trying it because they dont know if it will work with there
hardware or that its easy to set up.
My aim for it to be a succesfull event is to get people attending to have a
play, see a demo install and hopefuly become a user. I am thinking about
holding a meeting a week or so after, so that if anyone has any issues then
they can come along and get help. They dont have to install linux to be a
member of our group, everyone is welcome. lets hope the meeting will be more
of a social event rather than a "Fix it" event, however I have another
cunning plan just incase it becomes a "fix it" event.

See you soon I hope

bow before me for i am root!
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