[Sderby] linux trial day - update

James Tait james.tait at wyrddreams.org
Thu Jul 31 22:29:22 BST 2008

> 2008/7/30 Jellybeanz <clare.lou1985 at googlemail.com>:
>> Have contacted canonical, and can only get a loco team pack if there's going
>> to be a proper ubuntu uk loco team presence. I probably won't be able to

I'm a sometimes-active member of the Ubuntu UK Team and I'm certainly
hoping to come along and do my bit.  I'll see if I can get hold of Popey
and find out what's required.


James Tait, BSc                        |    xmpp:jayteeuk at wyrddreams.org
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |       VoIP: +44 (0)870 490 2407

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