[Derby - LUG] How to educate kids about the practical use of Ubuntu.

Ted Smith tedsmith28 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 1 22:37:57 UTC 2011

Hi guys

Am curious to know if you know of, or are already involved in, any 
volunteer based work involving the education and raising awareness of 
Linux to kids in the Derby area?

I've used Linux domestically and in some limited professional capacities 
for 6 years now and would quite like the opportunity to show\demonstrate 
Linux to make kids aware of the alternatives.

I read about a chap in the US, for example, who used 6 old recycled PC's 
to setup a small Linux IT system in a local Church that the community 
uses. That kind of thing I am interested in.

I have posted a thread on the subject here 



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