[Staffs] Arch Linux

Peter Brooks peter at theneb.co.uk
Fri Jan 11 14:33:07 GMT 2008

Hi all, just wondering who else is using ArchLinux, I've moved to it
since I was getting fed up with Ubuntu and Propaganda perpetuated by
Dick Turpin.
However it's kinda back to the good old days of messing around in
Gentoo for me, but with binaryness.

At least the ATI drivers finally work for this laptop with arch, used
the ati installer and for once the damn thing works. However this
didn't work out of the packaging system, I am remaining a bit
skeptical to pacman but I probably just require more usage to
understand it's unique effects.

I also thing archlinux is poorly named, when searching for help on
google I can often get posts from other distributions because they
include the name arch, however I might just need to modify my search

Anyway I still suggest for some to give it a try, since it doesn't
have all the generic rubbish shipped with generic distros it's a lost
faster than for example Ubuntu ever was on my Laptop.

Peter Brooks

KUBEradio.com - Lead Technical
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