[StAndrews and Fife LUG] Site feedback.

standrews@mailman.lug.org.uk standrews at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Dec 24 01:27:00 2002

Thanks David,
   I dont have time im afraid to add all the information in to the database, 
can i ask you too? Ive spent the day making it as easy as i can, just go to 
http://www.standrtews.lug.org.uk/join.php and do what it says and your there. 
Promise. Its that easy.
   That goes for every one on the list, feel free to add your self! To hide 
your info, type NO into the "may publish" field.


Quoting standrews-admin@mailman.lug.org.uk:

> In message <1040599181.3e06488dee03c@webmail.nx14.com>, 
> standrews-admin@mailman.lug.org.uk writes
> >Hi,
> >  Please have a look at the new members page,
> [Snip]
> >and email me back and tell me if you would be willing to have the same
> amount
> >of information avalable about your slefs.
> No problems here - all of this is @ counter.li.org (#81461)
> -- 
> David Tillotson
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