[StAndrews and Fife LUG] New Site.

Stuart Anderson standrews at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Dec 31 16:43:00 2002

Hi Gilbert,

> I tried to register as a new member ? why do I have to redo this???
   Simple, up too now we havent had a working method of regestering. There was 
a join email but it never worked. Now we having a working script and at 
present our site only says there are 4 members when the mailing list says 
there 10. 

> There is a problem on Mozilla/GNU Linux with the Join Form, I cannot
> select YES or NO in the "May-publish:". You ought to take a look
   Thanks for telling me about the problem, I havent got a copy of Mozilla 
running so i havent had a chance to test it out on all the browsers. But i 
think the problems solved now, Thanks to David for that fix!
   Let me know if it works or if there are still problems.

Stuart McCulloch Anderson
stuart@nx14.com -*- http://www.nx14.com

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