[Fife Linux Users Group] Meeting Marketing

Chase chase at fifelug.org.uk
Fri Aug 5 17:57:24 BST 2005

On Thursday 04 Aug 2005 20:43, John A Thomson of Roundtrip Solutions Limited 
> The concensus opinion last night was to make the group meeting the first
> Wed of every month. Can we get the next meeting info onto the Geeklog and
> promote the fact that the meeting is a regular event every month?

any one got a problem with the site just now?
or you all happy with the new post and theme and event layout on the left o 
the page?

**Stay Sane***

**E-mail: chase at fifelug.org.uk
**Phone:  07917137029
**web:    http://www.fifelug.org.uk

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