[Fife Linux Users Group] Meetings

Barrie Dempster barrie at reboot-robot.net
Mon Jul 11 15:23:41 BST 2005

Any of you guys on the list fancy coming to the meetings, we were having
them in a house until recently. We now use a pretty decent room in the
bar of a horse riding club near. Usually there's about 5 or 6 of us max,
but a few new faces have been turning up. I know it might be a bit out
of the way for some of you that live further west, but it's worth
turning up.




Dabb's have very kindly offered it to us as one of the LUG members has
an office there. They provide power/lots of space/pool table/staffed
bar/internet access (wifi/wired) in return they just expect a few of us
to buy food and some drinks - which most of us do through necessity
anyway :-)

Next meeting is the 3rd of August at 18:00 - details on the site:
http://www.fifelug.org.uk/ for future reference.

Discussion is not completely Linux focused it's just pretty much
anything geek + anything else..
We cover anything from cool software (for any OS - yeh even Windows)
cool new hardware, cool old soft/hardware, insecurities in Star Trek
computer systems, whats better lager or beer to a debate on whether or
not Richard Stallman is a twat (FTR - he IS!). It's always fun and laid
back. Even though there is only a few of us, skills vary wildly so not
being a Linux expert is no excuse for staying away. The only important
thing to bring along is a sense of humour and a portable computer if you
have one.

If you want to ask more about it, carry on this thread or post on the
site and if transport is an issue let us know as there are a few empty
seats in cars from the surrounding areas.

With Regards..
Barrie Dempster (zeedo) - Fortiter et Strenue

blog: http://reboot-robot.net
site: http://www.bsrf.org.uk
ca:   https://www.cacert.org/index.php?id=3

"He who hingeth aboot, geteth hee-haw" Victor - Still Game
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