[Fife Linux Users Group] Meetings

Barrie Dempster barrie at reboot-robot.net
Fri Feb 17 15:45:28 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 13:40 +0000, Sandy Arnott wrote:
> I take it that the Red Fort has (literally) cleaned up
> their act then?

I didn't know they had a bad rep. I've been going there for just over a
year and it seems fairly good, place seems clean enough and no adverse
effects :-).

I haven't seen any responses in the negative to the date yet, are we
settled on Friday the 3rd and I'm guessing a 19:00 start would be about
right ?

With Regards..
Barrie Dempster (zeedo) - Fortiter et Strenue

"He who hingeth aboot, geteth hee-haw" Victor - Still Game

blog:  http://reboot-robot.net
sites: http://www.bsrf.org.uk - http://www.security-forums.com
ca:    https://www.cacert.org/index.php?id=3
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