[Fife Linux Users Group] Recently posted my Fifelug website.

brian.duncan at fife.co.uk brian.duncan at fife.co.uk
Thu Jan 12 23:24:14 GMT 2006

I must apologise for my lack of visits to the site.
I must make more time  to communicate and see what the state of play is.

cheers Brian

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chase" <chase at fifelug.org.uk>
To: "The Fife.LUG - Open Your Mind to Opensource" 
<standrews at mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 12:49 AM
Subject: [Fife Linux Users Group] Recently posted my Fifelug website.

>I think I owe Fifelug an apology. in the last four years have been running 
>the group if never turned out the way as planned interest and membership 
>coming and go from time to time. While the last couple of months of 2005 
>were not our most organised I do hope 2006 could show an improvement and be 
>the start of a more popular and organised Linux users group based in Fife.
> Admittedly this will be at least the fifth reincarnation of the Fifelug 
> website. We have gone from PHP nuke, BB forums, Wordpress, Geeklog and now 
> back to Wordpress. Our previous sites, in my opinion (while I am open to 
> people tell me I'm wrong) were too big in clumsy. Almost every version of 
> Fifelug's web site has had posts Forum is topics polls and host of other 
> methods free users to collect and send information to other members. the 
> thing that makes all of them obsolete was that some of our most active 
> members never checked the forums.
> while some may see this as me punishing those who use the forums for the 
> act of others I believe that alone proved they were not serving the 
> function. I hope the new site and hopefully the site that will last the 
> longest, this Wordpress site, will provide an easy method anyone regular 
> member or not to find all the information they need to come along to any 
> of our meetings by IRC chats at any other function or event we hold 
> without any problems.
> you now all know what I hope this website will be able to achieve all I 
> ask from our current user base is one last change, an attempt from me to 
> make things right, and allow Fifelug to become the community I believed it 
> was able to be.
> -- 
> **Stay Sane***
> /////Chase///*
> /////xxxxxx//*
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