[Fife Linux Users Group] KVM Switches?

James Eaton-Lee james.mailing at gmail.com
Mon May 1 01:48:44 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 01:36 +0100, John A Thomson of Roundtrip Solutions
Limited wrote:
> Yeah Adder and Black Box kit are top notch.

tbh, after using some of the really high-end black box octopus kit with
several hundred servers attached (only half of which were ever actually
accessible using the kvm), I don't think I'd ever buy them; as far as
I'm aware, quite a lot of their kit is rebadged from other vendors

> Even the sturdy looking Belkin kit is a pile of pooh! 

I've been saying this every since Belkin started breaking the GPL
(http://gnumonks.org/~laforge/weblog/2005/04/27/#20050427-belkin-noendofstory), but I really will never buy belkin products again. Honest.

 - James.

  James (njan) Eaton-Lee | 10807960 | http://www.jeremiad.org
  Semper Monemus Sed Non Audiunt, Ergo Lartus - (Jean-Croix)

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