[Sussex] INSIDE: A daemons story

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Fri Aug 23 13:58:01 UTC 2002


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Teale 
> Steve Said:
> ===========
> > INSIDErs
> > 
> > Had some thoughts while driving in this morning and I would
> > like to run them by you.  Sort of gets team buy-in.
> > 
> > Thinking about the similarities between the tasks of the INSIDE
> > server daemon and Apache they appear to be pretty similar to me.
> I assume we're talking Apache 1.x here as opposed to Apache 2 ?

> I have no objection to moving forward in a way that keeps things simple
> the developers.  As long as the system is architecturally elegant, the
> source code is not unreadable and the server performance doesn't live up
> the "Brian the Snail" name.  
> KISS is afteralla solid principle.

I like Keeping It Simple, too Stupid :-)

> The only thought I have is that the Apache project have moved towards a
> multi-threaded design rather than a multi-process design in Apache 2.0
> (although it is configurable).

I'm not saying we wouldn't move to a multi-thread approach in later
but for the first release...

>                                 The aim being to improve performance (this
> improvement is most visible on Windows).

Do I care, I think not.  Windows users can pay for the privilege of using
IIS, they like that whole think that software should cost money or it's 
worthless idea.

>                                          I believe the trade off though is
> not massively significant in our case.  After all Apache did very well for
> several years prior to the new release!

That was my thinking - but better put.


Brian was not the slowest character in MR - Dylan was.  Should we

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