[Sussex] Slug-inside mailing list.

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Tue Aug 27 12:06:01 UTC 2002

> From: Geoff Teale
> Just dodgy "first post" postings on it right now :)

Very dodgy 'rther (Dally)

> Just waiting for Gareth.

I think we can run.  He is listed as one of the administrators
so I believe he doesn't need to be a subscriber.  Never admined
a mailman list, but I guess this is the case.  As Neil is listed
as an admin and not a subscriber.

> Archives are also available. *yay*

In years to come you will look like a very sad person that you
get your kicks being the first poster on that list.  If this
is second, do I get branded as the "morning old 'art"? :-)


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