[Sussex] No longer required

Angelo Servini Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk
Thu Dec 5 15:41:01 UTC 2002

A great shame, I know, I have been there several times in the past (the last
spell lasted 3 years and I ended up thousands in debt). It is a horrible
experience for anyone to be called up into the great white tower and told to
pack your bags.  One of them actually told me "in the current climate we
cannot afford your wages anymore" - the very next day a leather inlaid desk
costing in excess of 'Eleven Grand' arrived to the same's office!  Sad
innit.  The illegitimate person to the 70th generation that he is.

> I have a friend who used to work for me at Thomson as a
> web-monkey^H^H^H^H^H^H master.  He fears he is going to be 
> next in line for
> the chop in the great Thomson clear down which has seen two 
> teams totalling
> 40 people reduced to 6 people in a singel team.  Orignally 
> there was Special
> Projects(R&D) and Special Projects(Internal Development), now 
> there is just
> Technology Solutions - a great shame as it used to be a great 
> place to work.

Angelo Servini
Claybrook Computing Ltd
Sutherland House
Russell Way
West Sussex.  RH10 1UH
* 01293 604955
* 01293 604099 (Fax)
* angelo.servini at claybrook.co.uk

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