[Sussex] Taking the battle to the big boys

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Fri Dec 6 16:30:00 UTC 2002

> Chaps,
> I'm sure several of you have already seen on Slashdot that the US$199 PC
> Walmart are selling in the US preloaded with LINUX is selling far more
> units than expected (despite so called industry experts claiming that it
> would only be of interest to a few techie people who know LINUX).

Walmart have always been good at deals like this (I remember when they
were selling HP DeskJets for much less than the cartridges)

> Walmart are doing what they do best, they're competing on price.
> Bundling LINUX means they can sell a PC for more than a US$100 less than
> their competition (Evasham are trying something similar in this
> country).

Is this something of a zen? (the mispelling of Evesham, was it accidental
or have you ordered from them before?)

> There is talk that the bundle may be duplicated in Asda stores in the UK
> - at this price point it could well trigger a home computing revolution
> in the way the launch of the Sinclair, BBC and Commodore machines did in
> the early 1980's.

Asda is owned by Walmart, but I think this will be their first
intervention into what the company sells. Asda have always been good with
quality, but not one of the value price stores.


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