[Sussex] Xmas Meal

Tom Ellis tom at trellisnet.co.uk
Mon Dec 16 23:12:00 UTC 2002


Ablett, Gareth (Debian ?)
Butler, Nik (Debian)
Clay, Domonic (Red Hat)
Crowhurst, John (Slackware Forever)
Ellis, Tom (Gentoo Convert)
Fautley, Jon (Slackware, a /usr/local OS for /usr/local people)
Nixon, Stuart (???)
Servini, Angelo (Xandros)
Teale, Geoff (Gentoo)
Turner, Paul (Dead Rat 8)
Williams, Steve (Trolltech QTopia/RTLinux on a Zaurus)

that the final list of people for tomorrow?

I've got my xmas penguin prepared :)

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