[Sussex] Is it just me....

Gareth Ablett garethablett at phpw.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Dec 17 14:19:01 UTC 2002

its allways better to get new hardware rather then ripping it out of a car.
although a new motorbike rad is about the rite size for water cooling.

> It is a little annoying :(  I have been using OE for days now though,
> and the problem only started today.

No, that's just a symptom of Outlook. One day it works, next day it
doesn't and on the third day, your machine crashes and burns :)

And wtf did you put a load of water inside your PC without first checking
for leaks?!

Oh, and I think cars need radiators to run correctly :)

* Jon Fautley *
c: +44 (0) 7984 714410
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e: jon at geekpeople.net
  "Oi've got a brand new comboine 'arvester"

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