[Sussex] Yup!

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Dec 18 12:07:00 UTC 2002

Angelo wrote:
> Awww Lauhd wontcha byme ah Linux Pc
> Ma friends they drive Windows, ah must make a-mends
> Workd hard all ma lifetime no help from ma friends
> So Lauhd wontcha byme a - Lin-nux Pe-e-ceee!
> eeeha!
> Thanks fellas for a good time last night, we must do it again!

Surely a more appropriate verse from that song would be based on the second
verse ("oh lord won't you buy me a colour TV"):

Oh lord, won't you buy me a LINUX PC,
And all of that software, GNU made for free
I'll wait for delivery each day until threee
Oh lord, won't you buy me a LINUX PC ;)

All appologies to Janis Joplin!

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
geoff at tealeg.uklinux.net
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