[Sussex] Yup!

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Dec 18 14:53:01 UTC 2002

Neil wrote:
> Want to hurt Microsoft, buy and Xbox, mod it to run Linux and 
> never buy any
> games.... The hardware is being sold at a loss :-)

Yup, buy a few and make a cluster ;)

I actually heard that a small animation studio in the Disney group called
Zyerdog was using ths kind of setup to drive  multiscreen presentations
using LINUX (apparantly the X-box's are cheaper than the equivalent graphics
hardware is on it's own).

I don't have to point out the irony of the big film studios making massive
use of LINUX to make films and TV programs (linux is rapidly approaching
market dominance in the film industry) and simultainiously lobbying for laws
that would prohibit several of the tools they use from being developed.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
geoff at tealeg.uklinux.net
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