[Sussex] FW: Christmas Update

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Thu Nov 7 08:43:00 UTC 2002


On rereading Nat's e-mail she actually had Horsham as her first vote so:

Gatport Airwick : 1 (Nik B)	
Brighton	    : 8 (Geoff T, Steve D, Jon F, Tom E, Gareth A, Matthew
J, Stuart N, John C)
Horsham	    : 2 (Steve W, Nat F)
Thinking...     : 1 (Angelo S)


geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Teale 
Sent: 07 November 2002 08:42
To: Sussex (E-mail)
Subject: Christmas Update

Haven't done one since John C voted or since Nat actually indicated a

Gatport Airwick : 1 (Nik B)	
Brighton	    : 9 (Geoff T, Steve D, Jon F, Tom E, Gareth A, Matthew
J, Stuart N, John C, Nat F)
Horsham	    : 1 (Steve W)
Thinking...     : 1 (Angelo S)

Voting closes friday!  I think it's going to be Brighton though folks -
assuming we can get something down there. 

Couple of other point.  Would people who intend to come please indicate:

1. Who they are, so we can get a headcount.

2. Dates when they absolutely can't make it.

3. How much you're prepared to pay for a sit-down meal (I know there is a
range of wealth within the group and that Christmas is a financial strain
for many people).

4. If you're vegetarian, vegan, dairly intollerant, gluten intollerant, have
a nut (or any other) allergy, obstain from certain foodstuffs for religuous
reasons.  Please don't indicate if you're a cannibal or a giant cockroach
hiding in human form, I find these things usually come better as a surprise
and help to liven up the party.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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