[Sussex] use the right email address please - dep admin wanted

Gareth Ablett garethablett at phpw.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Nov 9 02:26:01 UTC 2002

Hey all

I been away from comp for a couple of days. so after seeing 50 
odd emails in my box i read mos t of the important ones and 
about half the other intresting stuff that Geoff comes up with 

anyway I have to approve about 5 emails for the list aswell this 
was due to sending the emails from an unsubscribed email address
there for a couple of ppl out there are using the wrong email sort 
it out please next time I might go ahead and refuse it.

Also there was 2 emails that where mime incoded this for some 
reason is consided as spam from mailman any one know of a way 
of adapting this to work with mailman or if not could the 
emailer change  teh mailing format please.

Also I would like to select a second admin to help out with the 
mailing list. I'm looking at you geoff or steve. :) but any one 
else think they would be good send me a private email.

Gareth Ablett


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