[Sussex] LINUX Magazines (was : Good LINUX programming tutor ial)
Geoff Teale
Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Nov 27 09:22:00 UTC 2002
Nik wrote:
>Hmm theres two ways I could go here........
Given how fickle future are about their publications I think LINUX Format
needs all the support it can get, but if you only have the money for one,
LINUX Journal is a much better magazine.
My friend (and Best Man) Tom Mayo has worked on and off for future for a
number of years as an Editor / Staff Writer, he started out at SFX but
somehow managed to get promoted into a position that became redundant (both
he and the SFX staff have been trying to engineer a situation whereby he can
return to SFX in the future - he still attends conferences and such like
because he's (to my constant suprise) somewhat of a readers favourite).
Anyhow since then he's worked on more future magazines than I've had hot
dinners (so far he's managed to avoid Cross-stitch monthly) and the sheer
number of publications that get axed every month is astonishing. It seems
if a magazine has a couple of bad issues it's axed, no matter what it's
subscription level.
Currently Tom works for "Official Playstation2 Tips" for as long as it can
keep it's head above water..
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
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