[Sussex] Another bunch of SLUGs!

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Nov 27 11:30:01 UTC 2002

> Whilst looking for a UK dictionary for OpenOffice, I found 
> the following
> site, the Sidney Linux User Group: http://www.slug.org.au/
> I have to say, I love the logo! ;o)

Very nice.. I imagine they are a somewhat larger group than us :)

SO that's three known groups of SLUGS so far...  and that's not including
the swedish lock makers! 

** Note. **

Obscure scandinavian jokes are a feature of my updringing, do please excuse

Danish person to English person eating dinner:

"Are you finnish?...  ...No!   You are English!"  

..general laughter ensues.   Now you see why Scandinavian's are world
renound as the funniest people in the world.. .. or.. not... :)

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk


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