[Sussex] Open Source Java

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Fri Nov 29 08:29:00 UTC 2002

Morning Slugs,

It looks like SUN* are preping up to allow Java to be "Open Source" - bear
in mind that SUN's interpretation of "Open Source" may not be the same as
yours or mine - but I guess that's why the term "Open Source" was created as
a distinction from "Free Software".  Anyhow, read all you want here:


I think Sun is realising it can use geek-kudos gained from being Open Source
/ LINUX friendly to build and secure it's market.  It seems that in recent
weeks more and more technical people at work are coming to me and saying
things like, "The sooner we can get rid of Microsoft the better".  Etc
etc... these of course are off the cuff remarks and most of these people
have never even seen a LINUX box running - but the mindset is changing - it
only takes that mindset to reach positons of power and things change (and
that, of course, is a Good Thing [TM]).

* I've decided to capitalise the name "SUN", because despite the best
efforts of SUN's marketing department to disguise the fact, it is afterall
an acronym.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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