[Sussex] Success, well almost...

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Fri Nov 29 16:18:01 UTC 2002

On  29 November 2002 at 15:55 Dominic Clay wrote
> OK,  So I got dual booting working and thought I was a genius ;)
> It all sorta stopped there!
> I ran apt-get install kdebase and it went and downloaded X 
> and kde... Great.

I don't run KDE but I'm guessing that kdebase will be only part
of the kde environment, big packages with lots of options are 
often broken up this way.  <package>base is often the isn't platform
specify (image file, config files, etc).
> But after using xf86config to configure it, I then ran startx 
> and got ... A
> squiggly screen that did nothing and then back to  a prompt 
> that had a list
> of mouse/font issues, the last of which was:
> 	fatal server error
> 	could not open default font 'fixed'
> Is there anything else I should do, or should xf86Cconfig 
> have worked under
> normal circumstances
> Is there anything else I should specifcally look out for?

See my last posting on compiling the new kernel.  Then pull the
source and compile X - It's much better now - took about an
hour on my 1.2 GHz lappy.


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