[Sussex] Linux Expo

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Oct 7 10:07:01 UTC 2002

To those going to the Linux Expo

If you want to contact me I'll have my mobile with me so
contact me on +44 7818 405 288.

Its not that I truss you guys with this number, after all
it's published on a public mailman server.  It that I'm
sad enough that I want to look busy with people calling 


      /|    /| Steve Dobson              
     //    //  N-Tier Consultant         
    //    //   Manhattan Associates +44 1344 318 087 :Direct
   // /| // /| Downshire Way        +44 7818 405 288 :Mobile
  // // // //  Bracknell            +44 1344 318 400 :Call Centre
 // // // //   RG12 1PU             +44 1344 318 000 :Reception
// // // // /| UK                   sdobson at manh.com :Email

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