[Sussex] Linux Firewall on a 50mg CD

Mark Olliver mark at olliver.me.uk
Tue Oct 8 16:18:00 UTC 2002

Thanks for everyones help,

I am doing well so far I have a smallish distro downto 148M which I can 
put on the CD, and I have all crutial scripts on the floppy. All I need 
to do no is to update packages to there latest. The main large component 
left is libarys, as I dont know what can be deleted safely.


Steve Dobson wrote:

>On 08 October at 2002 09:49 Geoff Teale said:
>>>I looked yesturday at many small distro's however, their 
>>>seams to be one 
>>>common theme among them. They all use the 2.2.x kernel. I am 
>>>looking at 
>>>using the 2.4 kernel so that we can make use of the power of  
>>>I am going to have a look at how easy it is to swop the 
>>>kernel in ipcop 
>>>and see if this works or not. If not i need to some how build 
>>>a mini 2.4 
>>You might want to look at some of the non-install/CD boot 
>>disk distros -
>>they are pretty easy to customise.  
>Or you could look at a distro that can be scaled down: Debian
>springs to mind.  - Couldn't resit the plug.
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