[Sussex] Linux takes on the Police

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Fri Oct 18 14:21:01 UTC 2002

Steve wrote:
> Just shows that the message is get there, slowly, but it is 
> getting there.

Absolutely.  This is undeniably a Good Thing TM.

> Parliament aren't above the Police - that's nice to know

I'm sure Jeffrey Archer would agree ;)
> But I would guess that EDS have shares in M$ and M$ have
> shares in EDS.  Then it all makes sense.

They do indeed.  It's also no suprise that both companies are major
contributers to the coffers of the Labour party (EDS also donate to the
Conservatives and to both the Republicans and Democrats in the USA.  Goto
www.opensecrets.org for details).
> What Government policy look stupid.  That could never happend.
> Public accountablity just wouldn't allow it.  [ Boy do I wish
> I lived in my dream world. ]


> BTW I went to the Register to read the
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/28/27684.html.  But before
> you read that ariticle just take  look at this:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/media/891.jpg

I saw a server room in a gaint greenhouse when I was working in Chicago for
a couple of weeks (back when I worked at Rentokil Initial).  They had these
Sun OS 2.x machines running in a very high humidty environment at about 50
degrees centigrade, they didn't think anything of having to swap out each
machine completely every 4 months.  They also had their network between the
two ends of the greenhouse  through of an old bit of Hi-Fi co-ax running
through a half-mile copper drainage channel.  Damn thing worked fine, didn't
have any problems running at 10Mbit!!.  Life is strange sometimes..

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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