[Sussex] Meeting Location

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Thu Oct 31 08:52:00 UTC 2002


It's meeting day once again!

Below I've reposted the details Nik posted:


4-10 Bartellot Road, Horsham, ( Behind Pets at Home by the Iron Birdge ).
RH12 1DQ


Either a.
Park in the Piries place car park, ala Cybercom, then walk away from Piries
palce towards the Sky Sattelite shop and Fish and Chip Shop, cross the road
the traffic lights with the church on your left and you'll see the Pets At
Home store!

or b.
Drive into Bartellot road and park in the carpark at the back of the GHW
building being careful not to block anyone else or park in the two spaces
which are closest to the entrance ( which by the way is at the rear ) .
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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