[Sussex] Lappy 'n linux

Tom Ellis tom at trellisnet.co.uk
Thu Oct 31 09:56:00 UTC 2002

heyho SLUG's, 

I recently purchested this laptop, a FujitsuSiemans lifebook S series... and of course, i 
would like to install linux on it ;)

It has no cd-rom, no floppy :)

Naturally tho it has all the other little nicetys, IRda, built-in Prism Wifi, Bluetooth...
It even has the drive bay for a cdrom which i'm yet to buy.

I've been playing round with other distribs for quite a while now, and finally want to give 
debian a go (*hears screams of Joy from Geoff*).

The only way i can think to do this on this lappy would envolve a 'doze boot loader thing, 
which i've only remember using once and cant remember the name.
Or using a distrib which has a 'doze installer, then taking it off and somehow using that 
partition for linux.

Any ideas? 
I'll bring it along to the meeting tonight.

On that note, is their a particular topic for the meeting tonight, excluding halloween :)


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