[Sussex] the who/what/why/when of processes ( proc-i ? ;)

dunk fordyce him at dunkfordyce.co.uk
Fri Sep 6 11:29:01 UTC 2002

you'd be amazed how php is coming on!

ive just been looking thru the manual and there is now support for almost everything you would want to do in a non web language. ncurses, gtk, readline....

clearly its not the best language atm for this sort of thing but if speed is not a factor then its a damn fast prototyping language.

"all its components" - you mean the extensions? becasue these can be loaded at runtime and not by default if thats your thang.

it works really nice CLI once you set it to use a different ini file than for web so you remove all the html stuff it dumps around its error messages and such.

not that i despise perl or anything....

On Fri, 6 Sep 2002 11:18:07 +0100 (BST)
"John Crowhurst" <fyremoon at fyremoon.net> wrote:

> > steve, this is pushing php a little - im using it more like perl, from
> > the command line. its actually a irc bot that sits there and listens and
> > responds to commands. i want to be able to start a new process for
> > different rooms and also for things like searching the web ( i dont want
> > the bot to stop responding while its searching ).
> So how is PHP better than perl in the context?
> Is PHP more efficient than perl in process control?
> There are a few IRC bots written in perl already, and there is even one
> for EwToo.
> I think you will have a parent process that is a daemon, and forks
> children in the form of the bots and the search tools.
> I would think that PHP would be more of a memory and cpu hog, as it has
> all its components compiled into it. This could be a disadvantage when it
> comes to performance - Not that anyone would notice with IRC :P
> -- 
> John Crowhurst
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