[Sussex] Exim problems

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Sep 9 12:10:00 UTC 2002

Steve wrote:
> Your original e-mail talked about libxml (which looked like a
> package name to me).  The Debian library package name is:
> 	lib<name>
> 	lib<name>-dev
> 	lib<name>-dbg
> 	lib<name>-doc
> If you installed libxmltok then the development package will be
> libxmltok-dev (there is such a package I've just checked).  This
> is the package you'll need to develop.

Good, that makes sense.  It took me a while to establish that I was looking
for libxmltok rather than libxml (I'd assumed the later).

> Debian split the run-time stuff from the development stuff on
> the grounds that users don't need the headers and static libraries.
> Nice of them not to clutter up you disk space, no?

This seems sensible.  I get the impression that Debian is quite well thought
out, sometime everything isn't as intuitive as it should be however.  Ports
systems like FreeBSD or Gentoo have a structured local presence.  Anytime I
need something on Gentoo I can just:

cd /usr/portage

...and take a look around for what I want.

Gentoo also has aggregate ports. I tend to use something like:

emerge gnome/gnome-devel

...which would pull in all the gnome development libs (and thus all the
gtk+2 and XMLSoft libs and headers), but I could use:

emerge dev-lib/lib-xml

... which would pull the single port in rather than everything.
> Yes.
> If you want a curses driven interface much improved from dselecte
> then try aptitude (# apt-get install aptitude && aptitude).  But if
> you just want to search try this:
> 	$ apt-cache search libxmltok
> And if you want to see more:
> 	£ apt-cache show libxmltok libxmltok-dev

I pulled aptitude when I was doing the initial build and I had completely
forgotten it existed (I got very caught up with the exim problem).  

apt-cache looks useful.
> BTW: dselect was a quick hack just to see if it could be done.  The
> original author admitted that he had no clue in designing a got
> HCI and that it needed major work.  For years this was left undone.

Your telling me.  dselect really needs replacement.  

> I've decided to stick with Debian stable for awhile.

Yup.. it's a good stable development platform.  I'll do my experimentation
on the Gentoo box and my development on the Debian one for the moment.

Thanks again!

Geoff Teale
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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