[Sussex] Kernels and installs

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Tue Sep 10 10:53:02 UTC 2002

Matt Wrote:
> Guys,
> I'm perplexed by something...

> This all makes sense, however, I didn't compile in the kernel 
> last night,
> I've powered it up this morning, and it's sitting there 
> beaming at me quite
> happily!
> How can this happen if I haven't installed the kernel?

Here's guess work based on how Gentoo (which installs much like LFS or Core)

Distros that make you roll your-own use an on-disk image of the kernel to
provide you with an environment in which to do the setup.  I don't know
about Core Linux but Gentoo (i686 Stage 3 only) installs a working image
before asking you to compile one.  Why do they do this ?  Really it's so you
can recover easily if you suffer a crash after that point in the install.
You really _should_ compile your own kernel if you want to get it running
properly.  Those base kernels tend to have support for every network card
under the sun but won't run your sound card, etc etc.. 

- Geoff

PS. Just saw Steve beat me to the punch..

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