[Sussex] Linux Expo

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Tue Sep 10 14:30:00 UTC 2002


> From: Geoff Teale
> Steve said:
> ===========
> > I don't mind, but I'll vote Thursday 'cos I'll take Friday off
> > two.  That way I don't care what time I leave London.
> 'sa good plan!
> 'course, I can't drink, but all the same conversation with 
> other geeks is a rare enough pleasure to keep me going.

So how lives on a line with the lasts train out of London?

We crash there and then make our way home the next day!!!!

Last train to Eastbourne is 00:05 (Friday) getting in at 01:48

But I must be one of the furthest people from London with bad
rail links to other's homes.


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