[Sussex] Linux Expo

Gareth Ablett garethablett at phpw.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Sep 10 22:33:01 UTC 2002

hey all,

been busy for a few days but read through a pile of emaisl and I
registered for the linuxexpo, so I hope I can make it and if I
do it will be the same day but not too sure about getting there
at the moment.

how far is olympia from Victoria station and I belive I can
get there from bognor pretty easy but I know I could probaly
if pushed stay at my aunties. (hmm not if possible)

Gareth Ablett


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-----Original Message-----
From: sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Tony Dart
Sent: 10 September 2001 7:43 pm
To: sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Sussex] Linux Expo

Has a place been decided to meet? (I'm OK for 10th too, BTW).  Couldn't make
last SLUG meeting as intended, so will make this a priority - my firm has
decided to use a Linux server instead of NT ...


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