[Sussex] Good tip for recovering from catastrophe

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Sep 16 09:44:01 UTC 2002

Steve wrote:
> The error you're reporting here is a kernel build error and
> not related to Gentoo (or any other distribution).  I've seen
> them in my own builds,  you'll need to track down all the
> correct flags to enable when building.

This is true.  However, DeadRat and other "user-friendly" distros don't
always use a kernel in the state you'd get it in if you downloaded it from
http://www.kernel.org - is it possible that this could be making life more
complex than it needs to be?

It could of course just be down to kernel version.  Under Gentoo I have
similar problem using ALSA on a 2.4.19 kernel, but no such problems under
2.4.18.  I haven't been significantly bothered enough to work through that
one yet.  My speakers are plugged into the headphone output on my DVD drive
- in my mind this hack is "good enough for government work" or with my
musician hat on "it's good enough for Jazz".

A tip for your new Gentoo box - make sure that /usr/src/linux is a `ln -sf`
to the source directory of the kernel version you are actually using.  I
know this is obvious but the number of people on the Gentoo forums who have
built on an emerged linux-gentooi686-r7 kernel but have a /usr/src/linux
pointing at /usr/src/linux-gentooi686-r6 is staggering.
> So which kernel are you using?  Did you do a "make clean" to
> see if that spread any light?

> Good luck with Gentoo, but DeadRat is not the cause of your
> problem here.
See above...

Geoff Teale
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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