[Sussex] [SWRU] Microsoft is From Mars, Open Source is from V enus.

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Tue Apr 1 12:59:00 UTC 2003


On 01 April 2003 at 12:04 Geoff Teale wrote:
> I've been following all of these legal discussions concerning
> underage drinking with interest and concern.

As am sure we all were.
> One point that doesn't seem to have come up is this - giving 
> a child strong alcohol (outside of pescription or normal doses
> of appropriate non-perscription remedies) has conetations in
> the law beyond simple licensing and distribution issues - it
> could well be deemed to be child abuse.

Is that you or your wife talking?

> For my part.. Steve was the only one with an actual O'Reilly
> relevant Tee-shirt on.  Assuming he can't win his own competition

I was working on the same assumption.

> I would be happy to share a glass of water with Mark's daughter
> and pass the pint to Nik.  I promised Nik a pint, but his alcohol
> register was suffering from an overflow at the time...

Given what Nik had been drinking that night I think the pint of 
water would have done him the world of good.  ;-)

We now need to ask Phillippa if she is willing to tie the 
competition.  Unfortunately she does not subscribe to this list
so I can't ask her directly.  Can anyone help?


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