[Sussex] We can screen it!

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Fri Apr 4 09:32:01 UTC 2003

Steve wrote:
> Isn't nice to see a friendly and welcoming response such as that.

Yes!  J.T.S genuinely wants people to see the film - it's in his interest.
Most people buy movies on DVD/VHS because they saw them in the Cinema and
liked them, this film didn't get shown in a lot of places and so it's in
J.T.S's interest to get people to see it and maybe buy a copy.  Moreover he
just wants people to see his work and enjoy it.  For the small, independent
film maker this is the _only_ way to get screened as the big film comapnies
control what gets into the majority of cinemas.  

Janis Ian often talks about the same thing in the music industry.  She is a
singer-songwriter and also represents the musicians and songwriters of
America (She is effectively their Union rep) - the older members of the list
may remember her hit from the 70's "At 17".  Anyhow, she is very vocal about
two things that relate to the open-source community (or at least that aspect
of the open source community concerned with "fair use" in copyright and
piracy).  She points out that the biggest abusers of copyright in the world
are the Record companies who _all_ owe more to their artists in rights
payments than even they claim to loose through piracy.  She is also pro
digital audio via the internet - she makes her material available for
download from her website.  She points out that as a middle aged woman she
has no chance of getting played on the radio, on tv, or making it onto a
prominant position in a record store - because all of these things are
controlled by the record companies who  are only interested in young, pretty
people with no musical talent or ability.  Putting MP3 on her website
allowed people to get hold of and share her music online, and this resulted
in a lot more people being aware that she was still out there and her music
was still available. Her resultant record sales where 10,000% higher than
any album she had put out since the late 1970's.

> I seam to remember that Nik said there was a private room we could
> use at the King's Head.  If so I suggest we book it for the next
> meeting or some other appropriate evening.
> If they don't have a video projector my company said I could brow
> one of there's some time back.  Once I can know the date I'll see
> what I can do.  I would suggest at least one other person tries to
> get hold of one too as I've know projectors go AWOL from time to
> time.

We have another possible projector which hopefully will be confirmed fairly
soon, so one way or another it looks like we might actually get to do this!

> I would also suggest that we get the new out further about this
> screening.  Maybe Nik and Mark could advertise it through their
> contacts - unless they are worried about loosing their clients
> once they understand how Open Source really works.  :-)

Yes.. once we have arranged it we should:.

1. Get it on our website and send the link to JTS Moore so he can put it on
2. Inform the wider LUG community.
3. Possibly get other sites to note this, like www.linux.org.uk  (???)

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

"I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens"
    - Janis Ian

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