[Sussex] Linux on the small screen

Andrew Guard agua at coinford.co.uk
Fri Apr 4 09:51:00 UTC 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Teale [mailto:Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk]
> Sent: 03 April 2003 11:02
> To: Sussex (E-mail)
> Subject: [Sussex] Linux on the small screen
> Chaps,
> Last night I recieved (and of course watched) the 2 DVD 
> special edition of
> "Revolution OS" a feature length documentary about Free Software, Open
> Source and Linux.  The second disk contains extra content, 
> such as extended
> interviews with RMS, ESR, Linus etc..
> Covered in these interviews are issues such as "What would happen if
> Microsoft went open source?".
> I think it would be great to make this film available to the 
> LUG - it's very
> interesting (and very relevant) but I wonder what would be 
> the best way to
> do this.
> Would anyone be interested in a LUG screening (possibly at a 
> LUG meet)?
> Does anyone know where we can find a DVD player and a large 
> enough screen
> for the LUG to watch?

The best way would be to convert it to an DivX file.  Which I would be able
to do for you.

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