[Sussex] We can screen it! - portable projector

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Fri Apr 4 11:40:00 UTC 2003


On 04 April 2003 at 11:23 Geoff Teale wrote:
> > Geoff: We ort to check that mplayer can play the DVD before we
> > go much further!!!  
> It _should_ be able to.  It's not encrypted at all (ie. it is 
> region free).

Should & does are miles apart ;-)

> Your welcome to come round and try it on your laptop if you'd 
> like.  I will try in on MPlayer on my Beast - though this may
> not be a fair representation (brute force ;) ).

I've not seen any problems with mplayer on my 1.2 GHz lappy.  It
has reported that the machine wasn't powerfull enough a couple of
times but it worked fine.  Even when I was compiling in the back-
ground.  Okay - I've nothing like the power of Beast but then 

I'll have to re-build mplayer for my machine - I haven't got every-
thing back yet since the disk crash but I should be able to do that
tonight.  Once done I would like to pop up to your to try it out.

I've just had a really, really geeky idea.  If I was to bring my 
MeshAP box too then we could broadcast it over a WiFi network 
to a number of lappies which in-turn are plugged in the number of 
projectors we have.  Can you do this with the Windoz software? Or
does the copy projection stop you?  A nice advert for Open Source
not infringing upon you legal rights.


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