[Sussex] Apache source

Geoff Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Fri Apr 4 17:14:01 UTC 2003


It was pointed out to me that I didn't explain very clearly.

This page helps:


but really the answer is your source code, when you use make on it, 
should be making .lo files anyway and then linking these into .so files 
- they won't exists before or after the compilation unless you change 
the makefile.

If there is some kind of bug that is fixed in Apache's source but is not 
yet available in the Gentoo tree then the answer is this.  Unmerge 
Apache, download the source and build it yourself, and then do an 
`emerge inject net-www/apache` to tell Gentoo that you have apache 
installed (without getting gentoo to install it).

Geoff Teale wrote:
> Dominic,
> You need to go look at the GNU libtool docs to be totally confident on the
> subject but, because shared objects need to use PIC code (and this can get
> complex) GNU libtool differentiates them as .lo files rather than .o files
> when using GCC - GNU libtool is your friend!  
> You need to look at this stuff and possibly make an adjustment to you apache
> ebuild file in the portage tree - it's plausible that there is already a
> "use" variable that will do this optionally.
> ONce you have done this simply do:
> emerge unmerge apache
> emerge apache
> And you life will be sorted..

tealeg at member.fsf.org
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